Aboard the TARDIS, the Doctor is first joined by some sort of anti-matter entity which comes into his body, then the recall circuit aboard the TARDIS is activated, bringing him back to Gallifrey, his home planet.
On Gallifrey we find that they are aware that the anti-matter creature has bonded with him, and without doing any research into the matter, promptly sentence the Doctor to death rather than allow the anti-matter creature to survive.
I once again enjoyed this story quite a bit. I find that I am more drawn to the stories with hard science fiction elements to them. In this episode, we have Colin Baker, who in two years would be the Doctor himself, acting as military Commander Maxil, a cold and ruthless follower of orders. Also, we get to see that the Gallifreyans are not very kind beings, and are willing to send the Doctor to his death rather than do a small amount of research to try to solve the matter without violence. No wonder the Doctor never wants to go there.
The identity of the anti-matter being is revealed in the third episode, but I will not spoil who it is. Suffice to say that it is a character that goes back many years to The Three Doctors. I was very happy to see this character once again.
All in all, this was a very solid episode that I thoroughly enjoyed.
I rate it a 7.5/10
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