The Doctor, still on trial and trying to come to grips with what he found out in the previous story, is shown a tale by the Valeyard not from his past but from his future. We see the Doctor on an intergalactic liner named the Hyperion III with a new companion, Mel. Mel is a tiny little exercise freak who has enough energy to fuel the afforementioned intergalactic liner just on enthusiasm and pep alone. But you can't do this! you can't make me care for a new companion when I've just been through the wringer with the last one.
What follows is basically a story about killer plants. They walk around and look fairly humanoid (and fairly phallic too) and kill some folks, and they must be stopped.
I can tell that my tone in this and the previous entry has become pretty cynical. I just do not at all care for the turn of events that things have taken, and I find it to be a huge departure from what I tend to think of in a Doctor Who story. But then again, maybe that was the whole point.
I give this story a 4/10.
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