Saturday, August 13, 2011

Catching Up

It's been a while. In the couple of years that have transpired between the last post and this post, a lot has happened in my personal life, and for a while there, Doctor Who was not particularly important to me. Things have finally settled down, though, and I've picked the show back up. I've seen the first season and a half of Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor, with the second part of his Series Six set to air shortly, and I really love it. Matt Smith is charismatic, a fantastic actor, and has really made the role his own. I'll probably have a lot more to say about that later, and I guess first I should decide if I want to keep his blog as a classic Doctor Who theme or if I am going to branch out into the new iteration as well. I guess there's no reason to limit myself to just the classic series, and I might as well cover both. Why not some book reviews as well? I think that sounds pretty good, come to think of it.

In the last few days, I've watched several of Pertwee's Third Doctor stories. I started with the Claws of Axos, then moved on to The Green Death. After that, I decided to watch Pertwee's final season in order, so I watched The Time Warrior, the Invasion of the Dinosaurs, and am planning to conclude it all with Death to the Daleks and The Planet of the Spiders. Rather than pick things back up where I left off with Sylvester McCoy, I'll be blogging my thoughts on those Third Doctor stories. McCoy's stuff was like pulling teeth there, and I am not really in a hurry to get back to that stuff any time soon. Most of this Pertwee stuff consists of stories I've never seen, and I may even go back to the start of his run and begin there. Well, who knows, we'll see. I would love to blog about the new Matt Smith stuff, too, so this may just end up being random and all over the place, but if that's how I'm watching it then what's wrong with that? On that note, I'm off to watch some more WHO.

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